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As often happens when missionaries approach the end of their term, donations have slacked significantly. Yet this is precisely the time numerous expenses for return to the States arise. We are in significant need of monthly givers to continue through September and some new or unexpected one-time gifts. This would be a huge help and allow us to "exhale" a bit about the daunting financial obligations of medical/dental/optical expenses, clothing, procuring a vehicle, school prep, etc. that will be hitting us upon return.


Thank you for your kindness in support of Bible translation, education of MK's and nationals, and of our family's role in these tasks.


Online contributions can be made via. our donation page on the Wycliffe site..

(Directions for postal/check donations are there also.).

Though the bulk of our support needs to come from monthly pledges, not everyone is able to commit to a recurring donation. Here is a listing of crucial needs that ONE-TIME CONTRIBUTIONS can meet.


** FYI: Costs in a developing country like Cameroon are in some ways opposite that of America: labor is rather inexpensive, but products can be extremely costly. (When there is so little local industry, many basic household items are expensive because they have to be imported.) Some of these increases have been exponential since we were last here in 2002. This is made even worse in an urban area like the capital city Yaoundé. Examples, using equivalent quantities...


  • Shampoo: USA $2-$4 vs. Yaoundé $4-$8

  • Laundry Detergent: USA $12 vs. Yaoundé $20

  • Cooking Oil: USA $4-$6 vs. Yaoundé $8-$12 

  • Monthly Internet: USA $40 (reasonably fast, unlimited data) vs. Yaoundé $50 (20 GB, very slow, and works sporadically!)

David is a pastor and former math teacher from Abington, PA, USA (near Philadelphia.) Heidi is a registered nurse and former missionary kid. Their children are Luke, Gabe and Anna.


The Huizengas currently live in Yaoundé, Cameroon where David is teaching at Rain Forest International School. The founding purpose of RFIS is to enable the ongoing work of Bible translation and related Christian missionary endeavors in Cameroon and neighboring countries in central and west Africa.


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