Letter from Heidi
“Be clear mind and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:7b-10
Dear friends,
New Year’s greetings and joy to you from dusty Yaounde! We are in the midst of dry season here, but there are colorful flowers and birds all around. The mango tree next door is loaded with young fruit which will be juicy and sweet in about 3 months. We are grateful for God’s faithfulness and tender mercies to our family in all the seasons of life. Thank you for being part of the Lord’s goodness to us as you support and pray for us! We pray that each of you would have deep peace and joy as you sense God’s care for you each day.
The verses above from 1 Peter have taken on deeper meaning for me over the past few months as I’ve spent some quiet time seeking what God is calling me to and trying to live into that by his grace. I didn’t have a clear role assigned for this year, but there is plenty of need in many areas. It is a challenge to be wise and intentional, to keep more space open in my life for prayer and caring well for my own family, as well as being available to help people in our community. Serving as a nurse and working out with the running club at RFIS are my “official” roles now. I appreciate getting to know the RFIS students better, including my own son Gabe, as we have spent many hours running and talking together.
I am thankful for opportunities to spend time with Cameroonian friends this year in conversation and prayer. This has gotten easier as I’ve learned more French. I’m especially burdened and privileged to pray and share some financial help and medical advice with a young woman who gave birth to her 3rd child 2 months ago. Tragically, the woman’s husband died the same day her baby was born, and the in-laws came and took all her earthly belongings away that evening. The heartbreak and needs here surround us. They can be overwhelming. I cannot fix or even help with many things. The Lord is good and he cares. People still suffer. There are not easy answers, but I can pray and listen and help a little. Thank you for praying and sharing generously with us as we seek to pass on God’s love. Please pray especially for peace and justice in this country. We cannot publish details here, but we can say that this is a difficult season for the country of Cameroon, and we thank you for praying.
After celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with friends here in Yaounde, we had a lovely time at the beach in early January. It is a place of great joy and refreshment for our family. Gabe was baptized in the Atlantic ocean while we were there, we had sweet time as a family and with good friends, and a safe trip—we are grateful! We feel well-placed here, yet our hearts are stretched across the sea to those of you we miss on the other side of the ocean. We are privileged to pray for you and look forward to hearing from you. We are so grateful for your prayers, emails, and support. May the Lord bless and keep you.
In Christ’s hope, peace, love and joy,