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The Whole Thing

Thanksgiving and Advent greetings, all!

A rare thing happened on November 18: an entire Bible translation (the Lamnso language) was completed and dedicated here in northwest Cameroon. This is a huge milestone because, with so many languages having no scripture at all, so often only the New Testament, or New Testament and portions of the Old are completed. Yet in Africa, where so many cultures are rooted in narrative tradition, acquainted with war and trial and grief and epic stories of survival and restoration, to have a Bible without the Old Testament is a huge loss.

Consider for a moment the absence of original prophecy which is fulfilled in the New Testament. Consider the absence of the Exodus, of the Mosaic law, of the chaos of Judges, David’s kingship, the Divided Kingdom, Job’s suffering, Esther’s bravery and on and on. So it is a tremendous cause for joy and celebration to have God’s entire word completed.

There are approximately 300,000 Lamnso speakers in Cameroon, but it is also a secondary/trade language for many more. As with most Wycliffe/SIL/Cabtal translation efforts, there are accompanied by a significant effort to build literacy; this means that people learn to read words and comprehend the Word. Praise the Lord.

We are super grateful that Heidi was able to travel and attend this momentous event in person. (I had to remain behind due to teaching duties.) Thank you to each one of you who has invested in this effort via prayer, encouragement, finances, saying goodbyes and other sacrifices. We pray that the news of this translation completion will bless you greatly and confirm that your seed-planting is yielding a great harvest.

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David is a pastor and former math teacher from Abington, PA, USA (near Philadelphia.) Heidi is a registered nurse and former missionary kid. Their children are Luke, Gabe and Anna.


The Huizengas currently live in Yaoundé, Cameroon where David is teaching at Rain Forest International School. The founding purpose of RFIS is to enable the ongoing work of Bible translation and related Christian missionary endeavors in Cameroon and neighboring countries in central and west Africa.


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