Next blog entry will focus a bit more on ministry here; this one gives a window into some pretty significant family events...
As many of you can testify, sometimes in our journies we encounter severe providences--the Lord walking beside us in times of trial and struggle. Other times we experience the joys of tender providences--blessing and beauty from the Lord's hand. But there are also many times when the two intersect. In recent weeks we have received just such a heaven-sent batch of intersections.
SEVERE Providence: In August, David experienced a variety of medical symptoms, some quite worrisome.
TENDER Providence: A spontaneous flight became available to the only serious medical care within a reasonably short distance (Mbingo hospital, 1.5 hour flight via SIL mission aviation) became available; diagnosis undid some of the earlier concerns, ruling out blood clotting issues or even worse.
SEVERE Providence: Tenative diagnosis includes possibility of a degenerative hand condition; David experiences increasing pain and lack of hand mobility. (The accompanying picture doesn't show it very easily, but the tendons in palm and fingers are hardening/tightening.)
TENDER Providence: A physician assistant friend succeeds in getting David an appointment, on short notice, with a top-flight hand specialist in Philadelphia. Plane tickets (Dec 18), though expensive, purchased on faith. Luke slated to fly as well since David shouldn’t travel alone (epilepsy) and Luke can do some college visits.
SEVERE Providence: After three years seizure-free, Luke has a seizure (Dec 1).
TENDER providence: He was lying down at the time. Apart from a sore tongue, no significant injury. What is more, we already had tickets home in hand! And David’s own and beloved neurologist immediately agreed to open up a spot and take Luke on as a patient.
SEVERE Providence: Airfare and all medical expenses will be out of (personal) pocket since we carry only evac and catastrophic insurance to save major money while abroad.
TENDER Providence: A huge unsolicited contribution comes from someone who hears of our situation and makes a large donation to cover airfare and projected initial medical treatment. We are blown away by such generosity.
God is good, all the time, in every line written above—both tender and severe. PTL.
Thank you, dear ones all. Merry Christmas!