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Back at it...

Whew...back at it...teaching, nursing, caring, coaching, studying. Preaching and other tasks on the horizon. The photo above is a bit blurry (sorry), but perhaps that only adds to the realism--things feel like a blur to us! (Sorry it's taken three+ weeks to even get word up on this website that we've arrived and begun our various roles again. Gulp.)

We are excited to return to the community and ministries in which we've been placed for the past year. School is in full swing, teaching and coaching are invigorating...and draining. Teaching Bible 11&12 is proving to be tremendously rewarding; I'm so glad for the opportunity. Heidi is soon to take over for the branch nurse who will be away for a number of months. I think she's slated to give a bazillion shots/vaccines in the next few weeks. Kids are missing family and friends a lot, but already swept up into the swift current of homework and activities that keep their lives very full.

Quick prayer requests:

1) Sheer overwhelm-ment at the scope of our tasks. We actually have a number of built-in respites/changes/breaks/helps amidst our more-than-last-year responsibilities; however, it will be another month before those "spaces" begin to kick in here and there.

2) Thursday soccer game. Might sound like an unusual prayer request, but Thursday I coach the RFIS boys' soccer team in a game against the "Lady Lions" (the Cameroon women's national team--yes, they just played in the Vancouver World Cup.) I am decidely out of my depth! A more important facet of this request is that the beginnings of a relationship with the coach be furthered; there have been glimpses of ways that RFIS has been a small part of the gospel coming to him and the team. (Last year we even got to pray briefly together before the game.)

3) House rental. We're close, but don't have a final agreement for renting our house in Pennsylvania yet. We'd be grateful to have this financial concern off our backs as soon as possible!

Much love--


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David is a pastor and former math teacher from Abington, PA, USA (near Philadelphia.) Heidi is a registered nurse and former missionary kid. Their children are Luke, Gabe and Anna.


The Huizengas currently live in Yaoundé, Cameroon where David is teaching at Rain Forest International School. The founding purpose of RFIS is to enable the ongoing work of Bible translation and related Christian missionary endeavors in Cameroon and neighboring countries in central and west Africa.


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