2 Requests and PicBook
Greetings from...Roslyn, PA, USA. What a joy to be on our home-side of the pond! Family, friends, special places, foods and our own house. Amidst all these experiences we do remember numerous people and things that we now miss from Cameroon--but for the moment we are reveling in the deepest blessings of these Stateside weeks.
Admittedly, these days are also filled with a nagging urgency: We are currently at 64% of funding (for the 2015-2016 school year...and our plane departs August 2. At one level I am utterly at peace with the Lord's timing and provision and plan. I prayerfully don't think we are anxious in an unbiblical or unfaithful way. Even so, I would be lying if I didn't admit the deep desire to "exhale", put fund raising behind us and focus all our energies on preparation for our ministry. We would be deeply, deeply grateful if the first of two prayers you might offer to the Lord would be a deluge of support. I would dearly love to not have to continue support appeals while in Cameroon.
A second prayer request is just something that would simply make our lives in the next few weeks vastly easier: a renter that would like to take our house fully furnished. Without this, the last few weeks of our time here will be filled with the huge task of emptying the house and then having to become renters ourselves---renters of a U-Store-It garage every month we are away in Cameroon.
Lastly, we have compiled a "PicBook" to give a nutshell glimpse of our ministry. We've printed a few hard copies to use during our church visits this summer, but a pdf version can be viewed here as well. Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested in our ministry. Thank you!