Big Ol' Update
Greeetings, all. I apologize for how long it’s been since this website—intended to be updated weekly—has been static. (Since May 8, I believe.) I guess my excuse is the end-of-school-year chaos, but still, sorry!
Many happenings are worth letting you know about, so here’s a quick sampling:
JUNE 14-15: We are looking forward to our return to the States on June 15 (departing here June 14.) Yay!
HEALTH: After a bout with Dengue fever, David is feeling much better. Tired, but mostly just from the end of a school year and anticipation of vacation upcoming. A 48-hour cold went through three of us too, but beyond that we are in fine shape.
SUPPORT RAISING: Far from complete, but encouraging. As of May 30, we have 76 donors and prayer partners whose giving totals 57% of our goal for the 2015-2016 school year. Considering that our support level had to be upped from last year due to the cost of living here in Yaoundé, and considering that this 57% has been raised in only 4 months, all while we have been away from the States, we are greatly encouraged! However…there is a long way to go in just 2 months. Would you prayerfully consider helping us reach 100%?
CHOIR, DRAMA, PROGRAM: The kids have each had performance opportunities in recent end-of-year events. Luke bolstered the bass section in the RFIS Chamber Choir concert, Gabe had one of the leads in the Middle School drama/musical, and Anna sang a solo in her class program on the last day of school. Speaking of which…
SUMMER VACATION: Well, the term “summer vacation” doesn’t really apply here since it’s pretty much summer (either rainy hot summer or or dry hot summer depending on the month) all year long. Whatever one calls it, Anna has begun it (last day of school was yesterday) and the boys just have final exams after the weekend (June 1-3.) David’s tasks are rather more involved: give final exams, grade them, write comments…and spend the following week in faculty debriefing and carryover efforts. (In a mission school with as much staff turnover RFIS there’s a need to “hand off” well. Fortunately I’ll be handing off to myself!) Heidi is beginning the pack/prep the apartment for our 6 weeks away, pack suitcases and such for trip home.
PLANE TICKETS: We are rejoicing that the travel agent found tickets for our Augut 2 trip (back to Cameroon) that were about $400 cheaper per person than recent prices have been. This saved us $2,000 from our budgeted amount! This is just one of many surprising graces of the Lord as we continue this path of service.
PRAYER: We would be very grateful for your prayers for our trip home (June 14-15). The seizure risk is a concern for David and Luke (lack of sleep the primary issue), and just general safety, baggage arrival, normal times and transfers and all manner of travel ease. Thank you!