Why Stay?
Many if not most of you checking this blog have received (or will very soon) our postal mailing with the big "change of plans." Indeed we feel prayerfully compelled to continue in ministry here in Cameroon. Why? Well the answer to why we've decided to remain is a vital but lengthy discussion; discerning the Lord's will is often rather difficult! But why, in the sense of what's important enough to stay, is a more easily answered question.
The accompanying picture represents the most direct answer. In it you see: 1) a "lifer" missionary kid, born here but from the Netherlands. He's the son of the director of Wycliffe/SIL Cameroon branch; 2) a child of missionaries in Central African Republic who are now serving as hostel parents here in Cameroon since they were evacuated from C.A.R. due to warfare; 3) a Japanese-American first-year MK serving with Reach Global; 4) an MK from Grand Rapids, MI, grandson of one of if not the foremost philosopher of the 20th century; 5) a Cameroonian girl, born in the States; 6) a Cameroonian boy whose parents work and travel extensively in Tanzania but want his sister and him in a Christian school.
RFIS exists to teach kids like these. Many are missionary kids; RFIS enables their parents to participate in Bible translation and other missionary work in Cameroon and neighboring countries. Some are nationals, many of whom will likely become people of influence in Cameroon; in them we are planting Gospel seeds whose long term fruit may be godly transformation of culture itself.
The truth is, Heidi and I have a mountain of financial support to raise if we are to continue this ministry. We'd be grateful for your help and your prayers.