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Picture Collage, pg. 2

The guys enjoy some Pringles that our Roslyn neighbors sent with us. Thank you to the Freilers!

The pre-school class in which Heidi is assisting (Heidi not pictured)

Anna and Adah, a pre-schooler Heidi helps get to school


The sky is endlessly  spectacular here: morning...


...and night.

David is a pastor and former math teacher from Abington, PA, USA (near Philadelphia.) Heidi is a registered nurse and former missionary kid. Their children are Luke, Gabe and Anna.


The Huizengas currently live in Yaoundé, Cameroon where David is teaching at Rain Forest International School. The founding purpose of RFIS is to enable the ongoing work of Bible translation and related Christian missionary endeavors in Cameroon and neighboring countries in central and west Africa.


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