​ News about our family's missionary service in Cameroon 
Picture Collage, pg.1
Instead of a blog entry, this time just lots of pictures...
Heidi running the 7K back route to school
Two of David's AP Physics students working on a lab
We hosted a hymn sing for some mission folks who love "old" worship songs.
Our keyboard stand is two baggage crates...rather high...hence the reason for David's booster chair.
Gabe and some neighbors gathered many guavas from our tree...
David is a pastor and former math teacher from Abington, PA, USA (near Philadelphia.) Heidi is a registered nurse and former missionary kid. Their children are Luke, Gabe and Anna.
The Huizengas currently live in Yaoundé, Cameroon where David is teaching at Rain Forest International School. The founding purpose of RFIS is to enable the ongoing work of Bible translation and related Christian missionary endeavors in Cameroon and neighboring countries in central and west Africa.